Lake Marie
We were standing
Standing by peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Many years ago along the Illinois-Wisconsin Border
There was this Indian tribe
They found two babies in the woods
White babies
One of them was named Elizabeth
She was the fairer of the two
While the smaller and more fragile one was named Marie
Having never seen white girls before
And living on the two lakes known as the Twin Lakes
They named the larger and more beautiful Lake, Lake Elizabeth
And thus the smaller lake that was hidden from the highway
Became known forever as Lake Marie
Repeat Chorus:
Many years later I found myself talking to this girl
Who was standing there with her back turned to Lake Marie
The wind was blowing especially through her hair
There was four italian sausages cooking on the outdoor grill
And Man, they was ssssssssizzlin'
Many years later we found ourselves in Canada
Trying to save our marriage and perhaps catch a few fish
Whatever seemed easier
That night she fell asleep in my arms
Humming the tune to Louie Louie'
Aah baby, We gotta go now.
Repeat Chorus:
The dogs were barking as the cars were parking
The loan sharks were sharking the narcs were narcing
Practically everyone was there
In the parking lot by the forest preserve
The police had found two bodies
Nay, naked bodies
Their faces had been horribly disfigured by some sharp object
Saw it on the news On the TV news in a black and white video
You know what blood looks like in a black and white video?
Shadows, Shadows that's exactly what it looks like
All the love we shared between her and me was slammed
Slammed up against the banks of Old Lake Marie, Marie
We were standing
Standing by peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Aah baby, we gotta go now
--...ποιός ξέρει τι μπορεί να κρύβει κάθε τοπίο που περνά μπρος απο τα μάτια μας.. Πόσα και τι λόγια έχουν ειπωθεί, πόσα όνειρα έχουν χτιστεί και πόσα έχουν γκρεμιστεί, πόσα φιλιά έχουν δοθεί και πόσα έχουν χαθεί... Σιωπηλοί μάρτυρες της ρήσης του Ηράκλειτου "τα πάντα ρει και ουδεν μένει", της χαράς και της λύπης, απαραίτητοι σύντροφοι μας με τις δικές τους και τις δικές μας ιστορίες..--
2 σχόλια:
Το έχω ξανακούσει αυτό το τραγούδι
το έχω ξανακούσει σίγουρα αλλα το όνομα αυτουνού του john prine δε θυμίζει κάτι
το έχω ξανακούσει σε άλλη, όχι λάιβ και πιο σύντομη εκτέλεση πριν δεκα ου και παραπάνω χρόνια
ναι αυτοι οι στίχοι...
Στο ραδιόφωνο? σε καποια φολκ συλλογή?
σπάω το κεφάλι μου και δεν μπορώ να θυμηθώ που
Ωραίο μπλογκ.cool.Εδώ απολαμβάνεις αργά και σωστά μουσική.
Να σε βοηθήσω, αν θελεις. Το πρωτοάκουσα σε ενα απο τα CD που έβαζε το περιοδικό Audio εκεί στα μέσα των '90s. Θυμήθηκες? Και, πράγματι, είναι μικρότερη η εκτέλεση εκεί.
Εδω και μερικά χρόνια, σε μια βόλτα μου στην Αθήνα, είχα βρεί το άλμπουμ στο υπογειο δισκάδικο του φίλου μου του Πάνου (στην Καπλανών), 5-6 ευρώ... Ιστορίες..
Σε ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σου λόγια
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